At the Blytheville School of Cosmetology
Cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatment, which includes all phases of the art and science related to grooming.
Here at BSC, you will learn the theoretical, practical, and clinical parts of cosmetology for a total of 1,500 clock-hours.This course length is typically between 12 to 18 months, however the completion on time is highly up to the student. This course is required by the Arkansas State Board of Cosmetology (apart of ADH) along with registration and certification from Blytheville School of Cosmetology. In order to be certified, you must pass the school’s final written exam with a grade of 75% and have at least 180 Theory hours. Your training will qualify you to proceed in your endeavor to be as successful as you desire in the ever-expanding field of COSMETOLOGY.

The format used for all courses offered at Blytheville School of Cosmetology, will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following instructional technique: written material, printed textbook information, workbook assignments, written test, lectures, hands on demonstration, videos, audio, perform skills on clients, another student and/or manequin.
Instruction will be achieved through additional aids such as:
1. Guest Artists
2. Audio Visual
3. Style Shows
4. Product Knowledge Seminars
The length of the course, with consistent attendance is 1500 hours. For accurate record of attendance, students are required to clock-in upon arrival and clock-out when leaving using their time card. Failure to do this result in pro-longing the course, and late graduation.
The course consists of 7 units of instructions: Hygiene and Sanitation, Hairdressing, Manicuring, Cosmetic Therapy. Related Science, Shop Department, and Salesmanship & Shop Management.
To enhance the courses, lab practices are incorporated in the course.
1500 Hour Course
Registration + State License $125
Books $350 • Kit $1000
* No Partition Cost
Fees for Registration, Kit, and Books are Due at Registration Sign Up

Are you excited to join the BSC community?
Investing in your future now, will pay off in the long run! Just imagine the endless possibilities that learned skill can reward? Go ahead make a decision today to learn a special skill that is always in high demand.
To apply for the attendance at the BSC, download the enrollment form, complete it, and return in person to the Blytheville School of Cosmetology, at 100 E Main St. Blytheville AR, 72315